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Katie Peters Collection: Published (catalogued) Genealogies


Published genealogies in the Katie Peters Collection at CMBS and listed in the online catalogue of the J.A. Toews library collection.


Family            Author                            Year      Pages

Albrecht        Albrecht, Henry                 1991        104
Our heritage: the descendants of Franz (1850–1895) and Heinrich (1845–1911) Albrecht

Andres          Andres, Gertrude              1966        19
Genealogy: Gerhard and Maria Andres

Andres          Andres, Otto J.                  1989
Pioneer builders: the story of the Andres family

Baerg            Janzen, Russel H.              1992        355
Baerg 1777–1992: a family history and genealogy of Johann and Catrina (Newman) Baerg, their ancestors and their descendants

Baergen        Unruh, Melvin O.              1976        120
The Baergen Heritage: 1725–1975

Barg              Barg, Ada Burkholder      1980        160
The Barg Book: 1820–1980: Pulling up Roots

Bargen          Bargen, Bernhard             1962        173
A Bargen–Neufeld Genealogy: A Biographical Anthology

Barkman       Reimer, John C. et. al.     1975        99
Genealogy of Jacob Barkman: 1825–1975

Bartel            Bartel, Jacob &                 1973        29
Heinrich Bartel 1834–1867 family book

Bartel            Bartel, Peter K., et.al.      1991        120
Bartel from 20th century American, 19th century Ukraine, 18th century Prussia, 17th century Nederlandt

Bartel            Janzen, Annie                    1986        173
The Bartel Reunion

Becker          Wall, O.J.                           1982        95
Becker Family: Johann Becker and Aganetha Nickel

Bergen          Bergen, Peter                    1988        124
Genealogy of Peter & Maria (Hiebert) Bergen

Bergen          Hornbaker, Mike              1983        119
The Bergen Heritage

Boehr            Boehr, Ewanda                 1995        356
From hemp and flax fields to lands of wheat and corn: Baehr–Böhr–Boehr genealogy 1700–1995

Born              Born, Jacob W.                 1991        91
To be Born

Born              Klaassen, Tina                   1977        61
Family Record of Abraham and Aganetha Bornn

Born              Wiens, Martha                  1983        107
Wilhelm and Helena Born Family Record

Brandt           Brandt, E. Lorne               1992        33
The Brandt family tree

Brandt           Brandt, Edward R.            1988        77
Brandt Roots 1605–1988

Brandt           Brandt, Lavada                 1978
The Genealogy of Peter R. and Katharina Thiesen Brandt 1845–1978

Brauel           Dyck, J.P.                            1983        97
Brauel Genealogy

Braun            Braun, Henry J.                 1995        282
Braun family tree: Jacob D. Braun 1826–1919 [&] Katherina (Funk) Braun 1827–1920

Braun            Brown, Peter                     1972        308
The Brauns of Osterwick

Braun            Schellenberg, Ed               1991        200
Abram and Anna Falk Braun family reflections 1860–1991

Buhler           Siemens, Anna Enns         1972
The Life and Descendants of Bernhard Buhler (1834–1918), Buhler, Kansas

Buhr              Regier, Helen E.                1977
Jacob Buhr Family: 1805–1977

Buhr              Schroeder, William          1976        16
Kornelius Buhr: a biography

Buller            Buller, Maria P., et.al.     1973        113
The Buller Family Record

Claassen       Strehlau, Helmut              1963        564
Westpreussisches Geschlechterbuch: Zeiter Band

Classen         Classen, Dietrich J.           1946
History of the Classen Family

Decker          Cooper, Lydia Eck            1959        180
The Andreas Decker family record

Decker          Hunt, Katherine                1988
The Andreas Decker family

DeFehr          DeFehr, Abram A.             1990        58
The A.A. DeFehr heritage on the 200th anniversary of first Mennonites . . . moving from Prussia (East Germany) to Ukraine (1789–1989)

DeFehr          DeFehr, Sara                      1975        194
Im Wandel der Jahre

Derksen        Durksen, Kathe                 1999        127
Derksen–Duerksen–Durksen, The Descendants of Heinrich Jakob Derksen October 20, 1835–January 15, 1913 & Maria Sudermann

Derksen        Friesen, Elsa                      1993        36
Addenda to the Dirksen–Derksen–Doerksen family of Prussia, Russia, America, Canada, South America and Germany 1749–1993

Derksen        Friesen, Elsa                      1987        180
The Dirksen–Derksen–Doerksen family of Prussia, Russia, America, Canada, and South America 1749–1987

Derksen        Redekopp, Alfred H.        1981        23
Descendants of Jakob Derksen (1815–1847) and Maria Siemens (1816–1899)

Dick               Dick, Cordell &                  1978        85
Complete Family Tree of Johann Dick (1830–1903) and Katherina Dickman (1833–1907)

Dick               Dick, Johann J.                  1937        16
Incidents from the life of Johann J. Dick, Lichtfeld, Russia and Coaldale, Alberta

Dick               Lenzmann, John                                 31
Family History of Marie Dick

Dick               Toews, Sharon                  1991        80
Family history of Sharon Toews

Doell             Rempel, Reg ed.               2002        144
Descendants of Johan Doell and Helena Rempel: A Family History and Genealogy

Doerksen      Doerksen, Bernhard         1960        101
Family Tree of Abraham Doerksen and Regina Hoeppner and Descendants 1804–1960 = Stammbaum des Abraham Doerksen, Regina Hoeppner und . . .

Doerksen      Doerksen, Peter                1881        28
Verzeichniss ueber die gebornen und uber die gestorbnen in unsre Familie: Peter Doerksen Rosengard [known as Peter Doerksen Genealogy]

Dueck            [unknown]                         1955        58
Stammbuch der Voreltern Jakob und Maria L. Dueck 1839–1955

Dueck            Dick, Jacob P.                    1979        131
The Dueck Family Genealogy

Dueck            Dueck, Jake H. et. al.       1989        126
Our father have told us: the Heinrich B. Dueck family

Dueck            Dueck, Johann                                   16
Dueck Family

Dueck            Dueck, Margaret              1988
Whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go?

Dueck            Dueck, Walter                   1993        15
Dueck genealogy beginning with Johann Dueck 1831

Dueck            Dyck, J.P.                            1981
Klaas Dueck and Descendants 1743–1981

Dueck            Strehlau, Helmut              1964        60
Deutsches Geschechterbuch: Dueck

Dueck            Strehlau, Helmut              1960        236
Deutsches Geschechterbuch: Dueck

Duerksen      Durksen, M. Albert           2002        94+
Duerksen: The Descendants of Abrham Gerhard Duerksen (1847–1902) & Helena Pauls: The Descendants of Johann Duerksen (1750–1840)

Duerksen      Enns, F.F. & Anna             1982        44
The Genealogy of Gerhard G. Duerksen (1845–1930) and Helen Dueckmann (1847–1923)

Duerksen      Gaede, Alvin W.                1953
Johann Duerksen 1750–1840

Durksen        Durksen, Peter John         1985        147
The Life Stories of Durksen, Duerksen, Derksen and Durksen and Also Doerksen

Dyck              Dyck, Cornelius J.             1987        176
A Pilgrim People: The Dyck, Isaac, Quiring and Wiebe Story

Dyck              Dyck, Ernest                      1996        42
The Peter Dyck family

Dyck              Elias, Joyce                        1992        303
Descendants of Jacob Dyck and Elisabeth Jaeger

Dyck              Peters, K.                            1965
Genealogy of Berend Dyck: 17––1965

Eck                 Cooper, Lydia Eck            1959        125
The Zacharias Eck family record

Ediger           Friesen, Charles                1994        746
Johann “Hans” Ediger, 1775–1994

Ediger           Loewen, Solomon L.        1966        81
The Family of David D. Ediger

Eitzen            Ebel, Esther Hiebert         1969        114
The family of Abraham Eitzen: 1830–1969

Elias               Zacharias, Mary                1990        176
Elias Heritage 1766–1989

Enns              Enns, F.F. & Anna             1982        37
The Genealogy of Franz F. Enns (1850–1889) and Elizabeth Franz (1850–1922)

Enns              Enns, Henry, et. al.           1977
The Gerhard Enns Family

Enns              Enns, J.G.                           1974        38
The Family History

Enns              Martens, Luise                  1998        38
Family book: Gerhard Enns (1844–1911) and notes on experiences in Russia during the revolution: Heinrich Enns (1878–1935)

Enns              Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        32
Descendants of Gerhard Enns

Enns              Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        73
Gerhard Enns Family 1787–2002

Enns              Ratzlaff, Agatha               1975        48
Family Register of the Johann J. Enns Family including ancestors and descendants 1773–1973

Enns              Zacharias, Peter D.           1983        249
Ens: A Family Heritage. Johann J. Klassen

Entz               Entz, Peter                         1998        28
Die Entz Historie von Peter Entz (1825–1889) und Pr. Johann Entz (1851–1929)

Epp                Buller, Maria P., et. al.                     194
The Epp Family Record

Epp                Ens, Anna (Epp)                 1980
The House of Heinrich: the story of Heinrich Epp (1811–1863) of Rosenort, Molotschna and his descendants

Epp                Ens, Orval                           1984        51
Heinrich and Margaretha Epp Genealogy 1855–1984. Six Generations

Epp                Epp, Cornelius, et. al.      1987        43
Jacob Epp and Elizabeth (Ens) Epp Genealogy 1845–1987

Epp                Epp, D.D.                            1958        16
Familien Stammbaum

Epp                Epp, Elizabeth R.,             1965        33
A History and Register of the Johann Epp Family

Epp                Epp, Elsie Helen                1983        175
Episodes of the prairie pioneers

Epp                Epp, Johann                       1998        476
Gedenke des ganzen Weges . . . Band 1

Epp                Epp, Ruth                           1976        28
A Genealogy and Family History of Elizabeth (Janzten) Epp

Epp                Friesen, Elsie Helen
The Descendants of Franz Epp and Franz Isaac (1752–1977)

Esau              Esau, Johann K.                 1933        72
Henry Esau Family Record

Esau              Thiessen, Richard             1995        643
Esau family (2 volumes)

Ewert            Ewert, David Jr.                1973        52
Pilgrims and Strangers: The Story of our Exodus from Russia and Settlement in Canada

Fadenrech    Goertzen, Peggy               1986        340
Fadenrecht Family Notebook

Falk                Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        191
David Falk Family 1730–2002

Falk                Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        75
Descendants of Jacob Falk

Falk                Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        251
Jakob Falk Family 1818–2002

Fauls              Faul, Leander                    1976        77
Fauls from 1835

Fehr               [unknown]                                          79
Fehr family

Fehr               Fehr, Norman H.                                3
Isaac I. Fehr (1892–1956) (De Fehr)

Friesen          Aebig, Emma, et. al.        1967
Perseverance, Prayer and Progress: the Friesen story, Canada 1967

Friesen          Friesen, Abram P.             1966        240
The von Riesen–Friesen genealogy 1756–1966

Friesen          Friesen, Elsie Helen
The Mennonite Heritage and Descendants of Bernhard Friesen (1826–?)

Friesen          Friesen, Helene                 1978        85
A Genealogy of Peter P. & Agatha Friesen 1770–1978

Friesen          Friesen, Herbert                1970        80
Quiver Full of Arrows

Friesen          Friesen, Rudy                     1986        178
Descendants of Cornelius Friesen

Friesen          Frisen, Jacob L.                 1962
Friesen–Toews Genealogy and Memoirs

Friesen          Peters, K.                            1976
Genealogy of Johann von Riesen–Friesen

Friesen          Regier, Helen (Buhr)        1983        243
The Friesens: 1768–1983

Friesen          Ward, Lynne                      2002        442
David Heinrich Friesen & Family 1720–2001

Froese           Froese, J.
Uebersicht ueber die Familie Meines Vaters Peter Kornelius Froese

Froese           Froese, Jake et. al.           1987        217
What is my house: Peter Kornelius Froese and descendants

Froese           Froese, Kathleen              1973
Abram Johann Froese Family

Froese           Janzen, Marianne             1987        61
The Lineage of Abram Froese

Funk              Jeffrey, Mary Dueck        1980
Aeltester Johann Funk: A Family Tree with Notes on His Life and Work

Gaede           Gaede, D.P.,                      1952        63
History of the Gaede Family

Gaede           Gaede, Jim et. al.             1977        212
The Abraham B. Gaede Family 1786–1977

Gaede           Gaede, Peter Jacob          1964        8
History of the Jacob Gaede Family

Genealogy   Hall, Charles M.                1993        245
The Atlantic bridge to Germany: Volume VIII

Genealogy   Nuthack, Joachim            1984        158
Genealogical guide to German ancestors from East Germany and eastern Europe

Genealogy   Bellingham, Mary             1989 62
Beginning research in Germany: an introduction to German–American genealogy (2nd Edition)

Genealogy   Brandt, Edward R.            1995        370
Germanic Genealogy: a guide to worldwide sources and migration patterns

Goertz           Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        23
Descendants of Peter Goertz

Goertzen      Goertzen, Peter                1976

Goertzen      Heidi, D.D. et. al.              1970        178
The Jacob Heinrich Goertzen family from Furstenwerder to America 1815–1970

Goerzen        Peters, Kathy                     1995        234
The Story of David & Susanna [Goerzen] From Caucasus to Calgary

Goossen       Goossen, John R.
Gerhard Goossen (1811–1854) Family Book

Groening      Wiebe, Joel A., et. al.      1974
The Groening–Wiebe Family: 1768–1974

Guenther      Guenther, J.G.                   1989        231
Franz and Anna Guenther and their descendants 1761–1989: collections and reflections

Guenther      Guenther, Maria               1992        162
Guenther: a family history 1761–1992

Guenther      Guenther, Robert G.        1994
Passionate possessions of faith: the Jacob Guenther family, 1725–1994

Guenther      Kasdorf, Alice                    1991        178
Genealogy of Abraham Guenther

Hamm           Hamm, Rudy                      1987        44
Hamm Family Tree

Harder          Giesbrecht, Agatha          1988        194
Jacob Harder and Maria Abrams 1788–1988

Harder          Harder, Jacob, et. al.       1974
The Harder Heritage: A Family Story of Faith and Wandering

Harder          Harder, Leland D.             1998        274
The Blumstein Legacy, A Six Generation Family Saga

Harder          Loewen, Helen                  1988        237
The Harder Heritage. Claim Yours!!!

Harms           Willems, Lawrence          1995
David and Eva Harms: a family history

Heese            Peters, K.                            1978
Genealogy of Heinrich Heese: 1787–1977

Heidebrec    Thiessen, Hermann          1990        426
Peter Heydebrecht und seine Nachkommen

Heinrichs      Durksen, Kathe                 1999        112
Heinrichs, The Descendants of Jakob Julius Heinrichs August 3, 1849–June 11, 1893 & Katharina Dueck January 14, 1850–June 21, 1910

Heinrichs      Heinrichs Family               2000        147
Heinrichs, Peter & Maria Genealogy History

Heinrichs      Heinrichs History              1993        200
Heinrichs of Halbstadt 1896–1993

Heinrichs      Heinrichs, Neil, et. al.      1980
Kornelius Heinrichs and His Descendants 1782–1979

Heinrichs      Janzen, Marianne             1994        293
Heinrichs family tree (1876–1994)

Hesterberg   Hesterberg, Ulla et. al.    1992
Hesterberg 1315: Ursprung und Geschichte der Familien Hesterberg–Rueggeberg: Dokumentaion aus Urkunden, Archiven, Kirchenbuechern

Hiebert         Ebel, August R.                  1966
Kornelius Hiebert Family Tree

Hiebert         Friesen, Elsie Helen          1974
The Mennonite Heritage and Descendants of Peter Huebert (1821–)

Hiebert         Neufeld, Anne H.              1991        471
Kornelius Hiebert and his descendants 1833–1991

Hiebert         Pauls, Peter                       1998        44
The family tree for Maria (Dyck) Hiebert and Jacob Hiebert

Hiebert         Siemens, Henry J.             1983        315
The Story of Johan and Helena (Toews) Hiebert and descendants

Hiebert         Siemens, Henry J.             1983        315
The story of Johan and Helena (Toews) Hiebert and descendants

Huebert        Huebert, Tina J.                1979        54
The Huebert family tree

Huebert        Redekopp, Alfred H.        1992        419
The Muensterberg Hueberts: a family history and genealogy of the descendants of Claas Huebert (1785–1853)

Isaak             Isaac, Frank et. al.            1970
Descendants of Franz Kornelius Isaak and Maria Braun nee Ens

Isaak             Unruh, Abe                        1952        17
Reminiscences of the Past by Abraham Isaac at Seventy–Eight

Issak              Isaac, Peter                       1980
A Family Book from 1694 to 1916 and Personal Experiences

Jantzen         Jantzen, Elizabeth                             92
Ancestors and descendants of Frank F. Jantzen (1857–1932)

Janzen           Epp, Elizabeth R.,             1965
A History and Register of the Heinrich J. Jantzen Family 1862–1965

Janzen           Janzen, Hedy                     1995        167
Addendum [to] Our heritage: the descendants of Heinrich P. Janzen

Janzen           Janzen, Hedy                     1990        147
Our heritage: the descendants of Heinrich P. Janzen

Janzen           Janzen, John et. al.          1992        71
The Heinrich F. Janzen famiy record 1849–1992

Janzen           Janzen, Marianne             1987        33
The Lineage of Wilhelm Janzen

Janzen           Miller, Betty A.                  1974
The Cornelius Jansen Family History: 1822–1973

Janzen           Peters, Herbert                 1992        84
Wiens and Enns genealogy

Janzen           Peters, Justina                   1998        203
Wiens & Enns Genealogies

Janzen           Peters, K.                            1979
Genealogy of Abraham Janzen: 1724–1979

Janzen           Peters, K.                            1977       408
Genealogy of Johann Janzen 1752–1977

Janzen           Peters, K.                            1979
Genealogy of Schoenwieser Janzens 1752–1979

Janzen           Petkau, Irene                     1984        207
In Search of a Home: The Janzen Family Story

Janzen           Regier, Samuel                  1983
Janzen family register written by Frantz Janzen (1828–1974)

Janzen           Voth, Frances Janzen       1983        433
The House of Jacob: The Story of Jacob Janzen (1822–1885)

Klaassen       Scholer, Emily                   1997        64
Diedrich and Katarina

Klassen         Friesen, John F., et.al.     1974
The Family Book of David and Aganetha Klassen: 1813–1900

Klassen         Klassen, David G.              1972
The History of the David G. Klassen Family

Klassen         Klassen, Dietrich                                51
The genology of Johann J. and Aganetha Klassen

Klassen         Klassen, Herb                    1997        90
The Franz and Justina Klassen family book

Klassen         Klassen, Mrs. Clara          1996        636
Klassen Genealogy: From the Land of Revolution and War to the Land of Freedom and Peace

Klassen         Klassen, William               1971
Klassen Family History

Klassen         Penner, Henry H.              1974
The Klassen Book: 1974

Klassen         Steinke, Don                      1982        3
Descendants of Isaac Klaassen and Marie Wieler

Klassen         Zacharias, Peter D.           1980        527
Klassen: A Family Heritage Johann J. Klassen

Klippenst      Friesen, Ted E.                  1993        140
The history and genealogy of Johann (1845–1923) and Agatha (1843–1927) Klippenstein

Klippenst      Klippenstein                       1978
Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein (1849–1977)

Konrad          Konrad, John
Konrad Family Tree

Koop             Johnson, Helen Koop       1995        282
Tapestry of Ancestral Footprints

Koop             Martens, Peter, et. al.     1975        296
The Koop Family Register (1801–1975)

Kornelsen     Kornelsen, Helen              1998        212
Our Family Tree Cornelsen–Kornelsen, The Johann Jacob Kornelsen Family 1884–1974

Kornelson     Kornelsen, G.U. &                             62
Familienregister der Nachkommen von Abraham E. und Maria Kornelsen

Kornelson     Peters, K.                            1975
Genealogy of Heinrich Kornelsen (1807–1975)

Koslowsk      Ratzlaff, Agatha               1979        69
The Koslowsky Family 1769–1979

Kroeker         Duerksen, Marcellus        1977
A History of the J.J. Kroeker and John Warkentin Families

Kroeker         Friesen, Bert                      1998        93
The Kroeker Family Genealogy: the ancestors and descendants of Abram A. Kroeker and Elizabeth Nickel

Kroeker         Kroeker, Frank                  1973
Kroeker Reunion: 1973. Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Kroeker         Peters, K.                            1980        119
Genealogy of Jacob Kroeker: 1754–1980

Lehn              Krahn, George                   1991        141
Memory Lehn: a history of Jacob Jacob Lehn and his descendants: 1679–1990

Leppke          Loewen, Solomon L.        1972        136
The Heinrich Leppke Family

Loewen        Harder, Delores                1998
Dedicated to Heinrich Loewens and Sara Toews

Loewen        Loewen, Solomon L.        1983
History and Genealogy of the Jacob Loewen Family

Loewen        Loewen, Solomon L.        1961
The Descendants of Isaak Loewen

Loewen        Sawatzky, Frank                1995        68
The Kornelius D. & Helena Loewen Family Tree (1832–1995)

Loewen        Suderman, Susan F.          1986        117
The Dietrich Loewen Family: History and Genealogy 1820–1985

Lohrentz       Loewen, Solomon L.        1980
The Peter Lohrentz Family, 1811–1980

Martens        Bestvater, J., et. al.          1984        624
The Family of Abram P. Martens 1875–1985

Martens        Kroeker, A.F. and              1953
The Martens Family

Martens        Martens, George H.         1995

Martens        Martens, Gert &               1987        24
Martens/Reimer Papers

Martens        Martens, Queenie            1992
The Jacob Martens family history 1812–1992

Martens        Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        339
Aron Martens Family 1756–2002

Martens        Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        7
Descendants of Wilhelm Martens

Martens        Peters, K.                            1977
Genealogy of Aron Martens, 1754–1977

Martens        Sawatzky, Franz                1998        70
Die Familie Peter J. und Margaretha Martens deren Vorfahren und Nachkommen 1760–1988

Neudorf        Neudorf, Henry John       1975
Genealogy of the Neudorf, Koslowsky, Klassen and Hildebrandt Families

Neudorf        Neudorf, John J. et. al.    1967        70
The Neudorf Family

Neufeld        Neufeld, Herman A.         1988        321
Flashback: Neufeld Family Newsletters Oct. 1959–Dec. 197?

Neufeld        Neufeld, Herman A.         1987        234
Mary Neufeld and the Rephun Story From the Molotschna to Manitoba

Neufeld        Neufeld, Herman A.         1994        23
Neufeld Ancestors and Lineage (222 years, 1772 through 1994)

Neufeld        Neufeld, I.G.
Peter Neufeld Genealogy

Neufeld        Neufeld, Peter Lorenz     1973
Prairie People

Neufeld        Neufeld, Peter Lorenz     1975
Prairie Vistas

Neufeld        Neufeld, Waldie N.          1994        81
Down memory lane: the Kornelius J. & Maria Neufeld family 1820–1994

Neufeld        Neufeld, William              1985        204
The Neufelds of Waldheim: 1744–1985

Neufeld        Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        5
Descendants of Herman Neufeld

Neufeld        Plett, Delbert F.                                 32
The Peter Neufeld genealogy (1697–1769)

Neufeld        Schimpky, K. Joyce           1981
The Neufeld family tree 1792–1980

Neustaedt    Peters, Herbert D.            1997        31
Johann Neustaedter Geneology: Draft Copy

Nice               Hassen, Hazel Nice          1983        120
The Nice Family History: Descendants of Bishop John T. Nice (1858–1931) and Elizabeth (Dutcher) Nice (1864–1950) of Morrison, Illinois

Nickel            Hiebert, Peter M.             1972
Die Jacob Nickel Familie

Nickel            Nickel family
The Nikkel family tree

Nickel            Nickel, Johann J.,                              104
Thy Kingdom Come: The Diary of Johann J. Nickel of Rosendorf 1918–1919: A Record of Violence and Faith during the Russian Civil War

Nickel            Nickel, John P. et. al.       1981        203
The Nikkel–Nickel family of Prussia, Russia, America and Canada

Nickel            Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        5
Descendants of Kornelius Nickel

Nickel            Schmidt, Allen                   1985        334
Family register of Peter & Maria Nickel: 1854–1985

Niebuhr        Dueck, N., M. Labun,       1996        105
Descendants of Peter Niebuhr (1828–1894) and Margaret Paetkau (1834–1916)

Niebuhr        Klassen, Bill                        2001        456
Jacob Niebuhr (1766–1835) Descendants

Niebuhr        Lepp, Tina (Niebuhr)        1975
Register Der Nachommen des Jakob J. Niebuhr von Olgafeld, Fuerstenland Kolonie, in Suedrussland

Niebuhr        Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        192
Christof Niebuhr Family 1687–2002

Niebuhr        Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        8
Descendants of Jacob Niebuhr

Paetkau        Patkau, Esther                   1996        376
The Paethkeau Book 1714–1987 Patkau Paetkau Petkau 2. Band Volume 2

Passenger    Dorscher, George             1997        32
Germans from Russia arriving at the Port Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada 1900 to 1905

Pauls             Klassen, Bill                        1997        145
The descendants of Margaret, Jacob and Aron Pauls

Pauls             Pauls, Daniel Ehrich         1977        50
The Pauls Family

Pauls             Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        27
Descendants of Franz Pauls

Pauls             Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        59
Franz Pauls Family Abt. 1789–2002

Penner          Dyck, John                         1996        260
Three Hundred Years: Peter Penner (1850–1924) and Margaretha Wiebe (1854–1945)

Penner          Friesen, C.W., et.al.         1973
The Peter Penner Genealogy, 1816

Penner          Jantzen, Dorothy                               3
Peter Penner (1862– )

Penner          Penner, Katy                      1996        490
Faithful through adversity: the Penner family

Penner          Penner, Martin                  1991        93
Not only with you . . ..: the story of Kornelius Penner (1876–1923) & Katharina (Bergen) Penner (1877–1959)

Penner          Penner, Michael B.G.       2002        60
The David F. and Helena Penner Family Picture Book

Peters           Friesen, Elsie Helen          1978
From the Roots of Jacob Peters (1791–1978)

Peters           Maier, Margaret               1993        96
John Peters family tree

Peters           Peters, Herbert D.            1998        416
The descendants of Daniel D. Peters 1794–1879

Peters           Peters, K.                            1964
Family Tree of Gerhard Peters (1772–1964)

Petkau          Petkau, Kenneth               2003        140
Search For A Peaceful Land: The Peter David Petkau Family Journal

Plenert          Peters, H.A.                                        71
Heinrich Wilhelm Plenert genealogy

Plett              Plett, Delbert F.                1981
Plett Picture Book: A Pictorial History of the Children and Grandchildren of Cornelius Plett (1820–1900) and Sara Loewen (1822–1903)

Plett              Plett, Leslie                        1999        738
Family Register of the Descendants of our Grandparents Abraham L. and Gertrude (Koop) Plett #14 1997

Plett              Plett, Marian and             1990        123
Peter F. Plett family register 1884–1990

Poetker         Houser, Nannie Ellis         1993        192
Poetker families in North America

Poetker         Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        12
Descendants of Jacob Poetker

Poland–Gd   Beuningen, Konrad          1991        281
Das älteste Kirchenbuch der Niederländische Mennonitengemeinde zu Danzig/Gdansk

Poland–Vo   Wuschke, Ewald               1992        42
Protestant church records on microfilm for the former Congress Poland (1815–1915) and Volhynia microfilmed by Family History Centre . . .

Priebe           Priebe, Fred E.                                    167
One Hundren Years on the Prairies: A History of the Priebe Family (1874–1974)

Quiring          Fast, Ruth M.                     1983        73
Family register of Henry & Helena (Buhler) Quiring [and] Henry and Maria (Nickel) Quiring

Quiring          Friesen, [Mrs.] C.J.           1974        201
The Peter Quiring Family 1792–1974

Quiring          Quiring, Peter J.                                 21
The Quiring family history

Rademake    Rademaker, Wally            1981        16
Life Story of Hans and Wally Rademaker

Rahn              Dueck, Ulrich                     1986
Die Familie Rahn von Tiegenhof

Ratzlaff         Neuschwander                  1988        49
Retzlaff Roots from the Scroll

Ratzlaff         Ratzlaff, Agatha               1992        163
Ratzlaff: our family heritage

Ratzlaff         Ratzlaff, Erich L.               1971
Familienregister von Erich L. Ratzlaff

Redekopp     Redekop, David E.            1980
The Redekop(p) Clan (1730–1980)

Redekopp     Redekop, Freda                1984        323
The Redekop(p) Book

Redekopp     Redekopp, Alfred H.        1981        6
Descendants of Heinrich Redekopp (1847–1898)

Redekopp     Redekopp, Ernie
Descendants of David Redekopp (1867–1954) and Anna Hiebert (1875–1954)

Redlich          Siemens, Paul                    2001        29
Gustav Redlich (1868–1945) and Gustav Samuel Schultz (1894–1975) Descendants

Regier           Gaeddert, Joyce               1973        296
The Bernhard Regier genealogy 1669–1973

Regier           Regier, Katharina             1997        274
Our Heritage: Remembrances of My Life in Russia (1866–1895)

Regier           Schink, Clifford E.             1994        32
The Regiers: a short history from Cornelius Regier 1743–1794 of Heubeden, West Prussia to Peter Regier 1851–1925 of Tiefengrund, Sask.

Reimer          Nachtigal, Edna                1953        204
Aaron Reimer genealogy 1775–1953

Reimer          Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        11
Descendants of John Reimer

Reimer          Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        14
Descendants of Peter von den Reimern

Reimer          Redekopp, Alf et. al.        1992        7
Descendants of Peter Reimer (1787–1862)

Reimer          Reimer, James                  1981
The Reimer Family

Reimer          Taylor, Sharon                  1984        76
The amazing story of the Reimers in Canada

Reimer          Wiebe, George R.             1991        319
Heinrich Fast Reimer and Margaret Warkentin family book

Reimer,         Pauls, Hugo E.                   2002        47
Peter van den Reimer Family Abt. 1764–2002

Rempel         Funk, Shirley et. al.           1995        71
A history of the Peter F. Rempel family

Rempel         Peters, K. and A.               1984        218
Genealogy of Jakob Rempel 1766–1984

Rempel         Rempel, George C.           2000        505
Rempel Family Book, A Family History and Genealogy of Wilhelm and Agatha (Sawatzky) Rempel and their Descendants

Rempel         Rempel, Herman              1988        215
Johann S. Rempel and family 1830–1899

Riediger        Peters, K.                            1965
Genealogy of Abraham Riediger (1782–1965)

Sawatsky      Andres, Helen C.               1980
Sawatsky Genealogy 1760–1980

Schartner     Smith, Eldon E. et. al.      1970
Schartner Family Reunion. August 2–3, 1970

Schellenbe   Thiessen, Richard             1995        386
Schellenberg family tree

Schmidt        Flatt, Lorraine                   1999        39
Descendants of Michael & Maria Flatt

Schmidt        Flatt, Lorraine                   2001        45
The Descendants of Michael & Maria Schmidt Flatt

Schmidt        Klassen, Annie et. al.       1991        702
Schmidt: a family genealogy of Solomon and Maria Schmidt and their descendants

Schmidt        Reimer, Wes                      1984        19
The History of the Schmidt Family from Heinrich Schmidt 1720 to Wes Reimer 1984

Schmidt        Vossen, Nancy                  1991        8
Maternal family tree: Schmidt–Schmidt; Thielmann–Letkemann; Wieler–Martens

Schoenfeld   Friesen, Bert                      1994        220
Faith, love, hope: Schoenfeld Ens

Schroeder    Goertzen, Doris                1980        37
Remembrance book of the John J. Schroeder family

Schroeder    Penner, H.H.                      1967
The Schroeder Book I

Schroeder    Peters, K.                            1974
Genealogy of Isaak Schroeder (1738–1973)

Schroeder    Schroeder, David              1984        111
Family Record: Heinrich Schroder and Maria Kehler

Schroeder    Schroeder, David              1990        72
Our family: David and Elizabeth Schroeder 60th anniversary 1930–1990

Siebert          Friesen, Elsie H. et. al.     1990        72
In the Days of Our Youth: The Mennonite Heritage and Descendants of Johann and Cornelius Siebert     X

Siemens        Krahn, Curt Edward          1992        191
Family steps

Siemens        Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        4
Descendants of Peter Siemens

Siemens        Regehr, H.,                                         19
Family Tree of Kornelius and Gertrude Siemens

Siemens        Schemenauer, Elma         1998        200
Jacob Siemens family since 1685

Siemens        Siemens, Paul                    2001        29
Johann Jakob Siemens (1771–1809) Descendants

Spenst           Loewen, Helen                  1993        120
Kornelius Spenst I (1826–1913) and Anna Dueck Spenst (1824) genealogy

Stobbe          Stobbe, Lillian                   1988        41
John P. and Margaretha Stobbe Family 1866–1988

Stobbe          Stobbe, Peter J.                1971
Genealogical Record: Family of Peter Stobbe: 1829–1971

Stoesz           Stoesz, A.D.                       1973
A Stoesz Genealogy: Cornelius Stoesz (1731–1811), Jacob Stoesz (1781–1859), Johann Stoesz (1839–1905) and Descendants

Strauss          Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        12
Descendants of Gottlieb Strauss

Suderman     Toews, Mary                     1989        97
Dietrich and Margaretha Sudermann: a family history

Suderman     Zeisset, Carolyn                1975
A Mennonite Heritage: A Genealogy of the Sudermann and Wiens Families, 1800–1975

Teichroeb     Goertzen, Peter                1979
Teichgroeb: A Family History and Genealogy of Peter Johann and Justina (Wolf) Teichroeb and Their Descendants

Teichroeb     Neufeld, Anne H.              1991        418
Gerhard Abram Teichroeb and his descendants 1841–1991

Thessman     Pauls, Hugo E.                   1995        27
Descendants of David Thessmann

Thielmann    Redekopp, Alfred H.        1987        315
Jacob Thielmann and Helena Kroeker: A Family History and Genealogy of their Descendants

Thiessen       Born, Esther                      1987        38
Genealogy of my Great Grandparents Johann & Aganetha (Nickel) Thiessen

Thiessen       Harms, Wilmer A.             1984        239
Our heritage through the reformantion, Menno Simons, the migrations and the genealogy of Gerhard Thiessen

Thiessen       Harms, Wilmer A.             1989        44
Supplement to “Our heritage and the genealogy of Gerhard Thiessen”

Thiessen       Peters, K.                            1980
Genealogy of Heinrich Thiessen 1755–1976

Thiessen       Thiessen, Anna J.              1975
Genealogy of Jacob Thiessen, 1811–1974

Thiessen       Thiessen, Herman            1977
Martin Thiehsen und Seine Nachkommen 1737–1977

Thiessen       Tiessen, Frank                   1986        615
Bartholomaeus Tiessen: 350 Jahre Familientradition

Toews           Hoeppner, Tina et. al.     1989        104
Abram J. and Maria Toews family

Toews           Toews, Arthur                   2000        173
Family Registry, Isaak Isaak Toews 1841–1906 and Katharina Funk 1843–1917 of Kronsweide Russia

Toews           Toews, Johan B.               1993        83
Memoirs and family book of Johann B. Toews 1993

Toews           Toews, Johan B.               1978
Memoirs of Johann Barkman Toews

Toews           Wiebe, Agnes et. al.
Family record of Jacob Wiebe Toews (1836–1920)

Toews           Wiebe, Frank P., et. al.    1973
Cornelius P. Toews: 1836–1908

Unger            Dahl, Ervin                         1979
The Unger Heritage: Recollections of the Families who came to Canada with Heinrich & Helena (Mandtler) Unger From Siberia

Unger            Priebe, Helen                     1991        299
A harvest of memories: the story of Heinrich and Maria Unger

Unger            Reimer, John A.,               1983        235
Peter H. Unger 1841–1896. Justina Friesen 1836–1905. Family Record 1765 to 1983 Inclusive

Unrau            Wall, O.J.                           1970
Unrau Family: Heinrich Unrau and Anna Jantz. Branches A to H. (1795–1970)

Unruh            Cooper, Lydia Eck            1959        42
David Unruh family history

Unruh            Klassen, Harold P.            1988        189
The history and genealogy of the Unruh family 1783 to 1987

Unruh            Regehr, Peggy                   1992        11
Unruh family tree / history

Unruh            Schmidt, Cornelius           1959
The Peter Unruh Genealogy …. (1675–1959)

Unruh            Schmidt, Ella                      1981        328
The Peter Unruh Genealogy (1675–1981)

Unruh            Smith, Benjamin               1962        117
The Benjamin Unruh Family Record 1842–1962

Unruh            Unruh, Abe J.                     1970        149
Tobias A. Unruh: Biography, Diary and Family Record: 1819–1969

Van                der Blouw, Christiane      1981        113
Family chronicle of the family van der Smissen

Vogt              Kroeker, Margaret           1994        158
A Vogt family history: the descendants of Andreas Vogt (1854–1914) and Aganetha (Block) Vogt (1857–1930)

Voth              Voth, Abraham                 1975
Genealogy of the Voth Family 1800–1974

Voth              Voth, Wilhelm J.               1972        36
200 Years (1795–1972) Familie Voth

Wall               Van–Dyck, Elmer              1972
The Wall Tree: Descendants of Cornelius J. Wall and Elizabeth Peters

Wall               Wiebe, Elsie                       1996        75
Wall family tree: the descendants of Gerhard Wall 1840–1919 and Maria Dueckmann 1844–1914

Warkentin    Janzen, Marianne             1987        42
Johann Warkentin and His Descendants (1849–1987)

Warkentin    Warkentin, Ike H.             1990        324
John Warkentin and his descendants: 1820–1990

Warkentin    Warkentin, Sol. H.            1982        209
Heinrich Warkentin 1824–1910

Wedel           Wedel, Arthur A.               1972        215
The Jacob Wedel Family (1825–1971)

Wiebe           Dyck, John                         2005        561
The Lineage of Gerhard Wiebe & Anna Redekopp 1806–2005 “Our Heritage”

Wiebe           Fieguth, Hans–Otto         1979        666
Familienbuch: Wiebe . . .; Behrends; Epp . . .; Froese….; Jansson; Regier: Mennonitische Geschlechter aus dem Weichsel–Nogat–Delta

Wiebe           Thiessen, Helen                1987        58
Fescha Wieben von Rosenthal: a family history

Wiebe           Wiebe family history       1992        304
The descendants of Ohm Abraham Wiebe 1831–1991

Wiebe           Wiebe, Edith                      1988
The Ancestry and Descendants of Jakob Johan Wiebe and Aganetha (Agnes) also including the Descendants of Jakob’s Brothers Johann and Abr

Wiebe           Wiebe, Elsie                       1997        68
Wiebe Family Tree: Descendants of Johann Wiebe (1806–1872) and Margarete Hamm (1814–1888)

Wiebe           Wiebe, Peter                     1986        230
Klaas Wiebe Family History. Klaas Wiebe Familienregister

Wiebe           Wiebe, Ted                        1992        112
Heinrich F. Wiebe family book: 1851–1992

Wieler           Letkeman, Erwin              1991        28
Descendants of Peter Wieler: 1778–

Wiens            Duerksen, Marie               1969        25
The Family of Cornelius J. Wiens and Anne Unruh Wiens and Marie Ediger Wiens

Wiens            Kroeker, Irwin                   1963
The Wiens Family Register

Wiens            Neufeld, John T.               1970
The Family of Abraham Frederick Wiens (1834–1920) and Elisabeth Klassen Wiens (1837–1900)

Wiens            Petkau, Irene                     1978
Genealogy of Wiens Families (Johann J. Wiens and Helena J. Wiens of Morden, MB)

Wiens            Strehlau, Helmut              1980        399
Deutsches Geschechterbuch: Wiens

Wiens            Wiens Family                     1986        139
Our Wiens–Wiens Family – 1986

Wiens            Wiens, Anna T.                  1970
Genealogical Record (three volumes)

Wiens            Wiens, David                     1988        280
The Wiens family chronicle (2nd Edition)

Willems        Van Ness, Pat                    1982        112
Willems–Schmidt Family History

Willms           Peters, K.                            1973
Genealogy of Cornelius Willms (1730–1972)

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