Love of God, The
Here are a variety of worship resources that celebrate the love God has shown toward us.
John 13:34John 15:9-17
Psalm 145
Psalm 103:11
Psalm 36:5-10
1 John 3:1
1 John 4:7-21
Romans 5:8
Romans 8:31-39
John 3:16
Opening Prayer
Father God,
Your extravagant love has called us together.
Long before we even knew You,
You already knew us,
and had chosen us to be part of Your own family—
sisters and brothers with our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
What amazing love You have shown toward us!
And so we come before You with praise and thanksgiving,
offering You the worship of our hearts and lives,
and opening ourselves to the prompting and leading of Your Holy Spirit.
Receive our worship—our praise and prayers and offerings—
through the intercession of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
our Saviour and Lord.
May the time we spend here in Your presence
bring honour and glory to Your Name.
~ Christine Longhurst
Opening Prayer (based on Psalm 145:8-14)
Merciful God,
we gather together to offer You our praise and thanksgiving
for the unfailing love You have shown toward us,
generation after generation,
and for the compassion You shower upon us,
day after day.
You alone are our God. We are Your people.
We pray that Your Holy Spirit would move among us as we worship.
Open our hearts and our minds to see You at work among us,
encouraging, challenging, uplifting, and inspiring,
as each one has need.
May our worship bring honour and glory to You.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.
~ Christine Longhurst
Confession: Abundant Life
God, you loved this world so much
that you sent your own son, Jesus Christ
to live and die among us,
in order that we might have life.
Forgive us for keeping that abundant life to ourselves,
for jealously hoarding your generous gifts,
for choosing self-interest over compassion and justice.
Teach us what it means to live as children of the light,
generously sharing your abundance
with our brothers and sisters in need. Amen.
~ Christine Longhurst
Spoken Resources
Call to Worship (based on John 3:16)
For God so loved the world;
The sparrows, the mountain lions,
the fish and the people.
For God so loved the world;
In success and failure,
in sickness and health,
in mediocrity and extraordinary.
For God so loved the world;
Enough to become one of us,
enough to suffer along with us,
enough to offer new life for us.
For God so loved the world;
Let us worship God!
~ written by Katherine Hawker, and posted on Liturgies Outside.
Intergenerational Litany: God’s Amazing Love
What can come between us and God’s amazing love?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Can trouble or hatred, hard times or hunger?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Can homelessness, injury, bullying or threats?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Can danger or poverty, loneliness or grief?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Can past mistakes, failures, accidents or death,
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
So what can come between us and God’s amazing love?
Nothing, absolutely nothing!
~ Christine Longhurst
As we leave this place, remember this:
Nothing that we encounter in this world
can ever separate us from the love of Jesus Christ:
not hardship or disaster, poverty or danger,
neither death nor life, angels or demons,
our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow—
not even the powers of hell itself!
Nothing in all creation can ever separate us from God’s love.
So go from here with joy
to love and serve the Lord.
~ Christine Longhurst
Brothers and sisters,
Never doubt the love of God!
For long before you were aware of it,
God knew you.
He had already chosen you to be part of his family—
a child of God!
And having chosen you, he called you;
and having called you, he made you right with God;
and having made you right with God, he gave you his glory!
So do not doubt the love of God.
For if God is with us, we have nothing to fear.
~ Christine Longhurst
Traditional Hymn: The Love of God
Worship Together #83
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win:
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure—
The saints’ and angels’ song.
When years of time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall;
When those who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call;
God’s love, so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong:
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
The saints’ and angels’ song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every one a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
~ Frederick M. Lehman. Copyright © 1923, renewed 1951 Hope Publishing Co.
Contemporary Hymn: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts no power no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
~ Stuart Townend. Copyright © 1995 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song # 1558110. If you use this song in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.
Listen to it here:
Contemporary Song: You Never Let Go
Even though I walk
Through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I'm caught
In the middle of the storms of this life
I won't turn back I know You are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear
Whom then shall I fear
Oh no You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no You never let go
In ev'ry high and ev'ry low
Oh no You never let go
Lord You never let go of me
And I can see a light that is coming
For the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We'll live to know You here on the earth
Oh no You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no You never let go
In ev'ry high and ev'ry low
Oh no You never let go
Lord You never let go of me
You keep on runnin' and You never let go
~ Beth Redman, Matt Redman. Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music (Admin by EMI Christian Music Publishing). CCLI Song # 4674166. If you use this song in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.
Listen to it here:
Contemporary Song: Your Love Never Fails
Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails
I know I still make mistakes
But You have new mercies for me ev'ryday
Your love never fails
(And) You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
(Your love never fails)
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone here in these open seas
Your love never fails
The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
Your love never fails
You make all things
Work together for my good
You make all things
Work together for my good
~ Anthony Skinner, Chris McClarney. Copyright © 2008 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), Out Of The Cave Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing), Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). CCLI Songs # 5337172. If you use this song in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.
Listen to it here:
Additional Resources
Readers’ Theatre: Romans 8:26-39
This worship resource was created/compiled by Christine Longhurst. You are welcome to use it free of charge, and where appropriate, please note the source. If you are printing any of the resources for distribution, please print the source as well. The content of the worship resource does not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, which oversees the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies. For more worship resources by Christine Longhurst, see or