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Jesus Walks on Water


Here are a variety of worship resources inspired by the story of Jesus walking on the water.


Mark 6:47-52
John 6:16-21
Matthew 14:24-33


Opening Prayer

Gracious God,

We gather once again to offer You praise and thanksgiving
for Your unfailing love and faithfulness,
shown most clearly through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Grant us grace to worship You in spirit and in truth.

Through the power of Your Holy Spirit,
open our eyes to recognize You here among us.
Give us courage to step out in faith to meet You,
and confidence to follow where You lead.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.


~ Christine Longhurst

Prayer for the Offering

Gracious God,

You call us to let go of the things we cling to
and step out in faith,
trusting in Your love and provision.

Give us courage to step out boldly,
and sufficient faith to follow without fear.

Take our lives and our gifts.
Use them to accomplish more than we could possibly imagine,
so that, through us, Your kingdom might come
and Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.


~ Christine Longhurst

Prayer of Confession

God, You call us to step out in faith,
to place our lives in Your hands,
and to wholeheartedly commit to following You.

We confess that we find this difficult to do.
It is not always easy to follow where You lead—
to turn away from our own personal wants and desires,
to let go of our safety nets
and trust that You will provide for us in all things.

Forgive us when we doubt You, God.

Increase our faith.

Open our eyes to see past our own interests and concerns,
to Your broader vision for us and for our world.

In Jesus’ name we pray.


~ Christine Longhurst

Commission & Benediction

God calls us to step out in faith,
to follow where He leads
even if what He calls us to do seems impossible.

So let’s go from here with courage,
trusting in God’s presence and power,
and eager to do God’s will.

And may the blessing of God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be among you and within you
wherever you find yourself this week.

~ Christine Longhurst

Spoken Resources

Call to Worship

We gather together to worship God,
who comes to us when we least expect it,
who calls us out of the safety of our ordered lives
and invites us to join Him in the adventure of faith.
Let’s worship God together!

~ Christine Longhurst

Commission & Benediction


Jesus calls us to step out on to the water with him,
to leave the safety of our boats,
and to walk toward Him in faith,
joining Him in the work He is already doing in our world.

And when the wind and waves get high and threaten to overwhelm us,
we remember His words:
“Don’t be afraid.Take courage.I am here.”

So let’s go with faith,
to follow where Jesus leads,
confident that His love and presence go with us.

~ Christine Longhurst

Litany of Reassurance

When the wind is strong and the waves are high,
remember the words of Jesus:
Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.

When our dreams come to nothing,
and we wonder what lies ahead,
remember the words of Jesus:
Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.

When those we love disappoint us,
or hurt us deeply,
remember the words of Jesus:
Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.

When we begin to question God’s call,
or doubt God’s love,
remember the words of Jesus:
Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.

When we’ve lost all hope,
and don’t know where to turn,
remember the words of Jesus:
Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid.

When our faith is stretched to the breaking point,
remember the words of Jesus:

Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid,
for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by name; you are Mine.

When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.

When you pass through rivers of difficulty,
you will not be overwhelmed.

When you walk through the fire,
you shall not be burned,
and the flame will not consume you.

For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

~ Christine Longhurst


Traditional Gospel Song

Standing on the Promisese: Worship Together #560

Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
through eternal ages let his praises ring;
glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
standing on the promises of Christ my Savior;
standing, standing,
I'm standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
by the living Word of God I shall prevail,
standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
bound to him eternally by love's strong cord,
overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword,
standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
listening every moment to the Spirit's call,
resting in my Savior as my all in all,
standing on the promises of God.

~ Author.  Words copyright © date publisher.

Contemporary Song: Cornerstone

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly trust in Jesus' Name

Christ alone
Weak made strong in the Saviour's love
Through the storm

He is Lord
Lord of all

When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
My anchor holds within the veil

When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh may I then in Him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone
Faultless stand before the throne

~ Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, Reuben Morgan. Copyright © 2011 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). CCLI Song #6158927.  If you use this song in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.

Listen to it here: http://www.worshiptogether.com/songs/songdetail.aspx?iid=1908027

Contemporary Song: Faithful One

Faithful One so unchanging
Ageless One You're my Rock of peace
Lord of all I depend on You
I call out to You again and again
I call out to You again and again

You are my Rock in times of trouble
You lift me up when I fall down
All through the storm
Your love is the anchor
My hope is in You alone

~ Brian Doerksen. Copyright © 1989 Vineyard Songs Canada (Admin by Music Services, Inc. CCLI Song #465840. If you use this song in worship, be sure to report it on your CCLI license.

Listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tum3U_28Xc4


f~ Jesus Walks on Water, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1888.

Additional Resources

Readers’ Theatre: Matthew 14:22-33

YouTube video: The Bible Series, Episode 7: Walking on Water

YouTube video: Jesus Walks on Water


This worship resource was created/compiled by Christine Longhurst. You are welcome to use it free of charge, and where appropriate, please note the source. If you are printing any of the resources for distribution, please print the source as well. The content of the worship resource does not necessarily represent the views of the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, which oversees the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies. For more worship resources by Christine Longhurst, see http://www.re-worship.blogspot.ca or http://www.faithmatters.ca.

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