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Messenger, The – Fresno, California


Fresno, CA: Bi-monthly. 1975–

Known as The PBI Messenger and Pacific College Messenger from 1944–1974.
Library has scattered issues.


Date     Vol.      No.
1944     1           1-2
1945     1           9
1947     4           2
1952     8           11
1953     9           4
1958     14         5
1959     15         3–6, 1
1960     16         1-7
1961     17          2-6
1962     18         1-5
1963     19         3
1964     20         3
1964     21         1
1965     22         1,2
1966     22         3,6
1975     1           complete
1976     2           1-4
1977     3           complete
1978     4           1–5
1986     11         4


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