Mennonite Brethren Missions and Services: Overseas Directory
Winnipeg, MB: Annually.
Name changed from My Prayer Guide, to Workers Directory, to Mennonite Brethren Workers Directory, to Overseas Worker Directory, to Worker Directory, to Mennonite Brethren Missions/Services worker Directory. Continued as MBMS International People, then People and Projects, then MB Mission: People and Projects, then People and Prayer.
Date No. of copies
1969 1
1972 2
1974 3
1976 2
1979 3
1982 3
1983 4
1984 4
1985 4
1986 5
1986–87 4
1987–88 4
1988–89 2
1989-90 2
1990-91 2
1991-92 2
1992-93 1
1993-94 1
1996-97 1
1997-98 1
1998-99 1
1999-2000 1
2000-01 1
2002-03 2
2003-04 1
2004-05 2
2005-06 2
2006-07 3
2007-08 1
2008-09 2
2009-10 2
2010-11 1
2011-12 3
2012-13 1
2013-14 3
2014-15 1
2015-16 2
2016-17 2
2017-2018 2
2021 2