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Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute – Winnipeg, MB

Proper Title

Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute fonds

Dates of Creation


Physical Description

1.4 m of textual records, 42 photographs

Administrative History

Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute began in 1945, with forty-four students. In these years, Mennonite Brethren parents in Winnipeg had a growing concern about the influence of public schools on their children. They wanted a school that would meet the requirements of the Manitoba curriculum, but also pass on their faith and language to the next generation. MBCI was to be such a place.

Classes began at Mennonite Brethren Bible College. It wasn’t long, however, before more space was needed. As numbers rose, the school moved into a duplex at 173 Talbot Ave. This site experienced several renovations and additions, including new classrooms and labs in 1947, and a gymnasium in 1951. Subsequent building projects were carried out in 1959, 1972, 1987, and 2004.

At first, only grades 10 and 11 were offered. Grade 12 was added in 1946, grade 9 in 1947, and grade six in 2004. Throughout these changes, MBCI has offered a wide variety of programs to its students. It has excelled in music, but also has developed strong sports and drama programs.

Since the 1950s, MBCI has brought in students from a variety of backgrounds, including Catholic, Christian Reformed, and the broader evangelical–protestant community. Non-Christian students have also been welcome.

The following have served as principal: Henry Wall (1945–1947), Gerhard Lohrenz (1947–1952), William Neufeld (1952–1953), David K. Duerksen (1953–1954), Victor Adrian (1954–1957), Henry J. Dick (1957–1960), Peter G. Klassen (1960–1963), John M. Thiessen (1963–1968), Hardy Enns (1968–1971), Peter H. Peters (1971–1982), Harry Wall (1982–1988), and Dave Teigrob (1988–1994), Don Peters (1994–2000), Norbert Bargen (2000–2012), and Fred Pauls (2012–2016), and Andrea Neufeld (2016–present).

Sources: William Neufeld, From Faith to Faith: The History of the Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB: Kindred Press, 1989); The Year of Jubilee: MBCI, 1945–1995, ed. Irvin J. Kroeker (Altona, MB: Friesen’s Printers, 1995); Willa Reddig, “A History of the MBCI,” 1979, CMBS Study Papers Collection #01 1K 01; Thiessen, Richard D. "Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 2016. Web. 7 Mar 2025. https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Mennonite_Brethren_Collegiate_Institute_(Winnipeg,_Manitoba,_Canada)&oldid=141298.

Scope and Content

This fonds consists of seven series: Board records; Staff minutes, correspondence, and reports; Home and School Committee minutes; Attendance registers; Daily announcements; Publications; and Photographs.

Custodial History

It is unclear when files 247:1–5 and the yearbooks came to CMBS, but records indicate that Alf Redekopp deposited most of the remaining material in 2003; see Accession #2003-036. A CD with electronic copies of board minutes and reports was deposited by Jane Woelk in 2005, Accession. #2005-10. A fiftieth anniversary book was donated by the school in 1996, and a set of architectural drawings was deposited by Dan Block, Manitoba MB Conference, in 2003,  Acc. #2003-03. A variety of MBCI periodicals and photographs have been collected gradually at the Centre; see the CMBS Periodical Collection, and the CMBS Photograph Collection, under “Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute.”


  • Finding aid consists of series descriptions and a file list.
  • Location: Volume 246–249.
  • Formerly classified under the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches inventory number BD530.
  • Related CMBS materials:
    • Manitoba MB Conference Yearbook collection
    • CMBS Photograph Collection
    • CMBS Periodicals and Newspapers Collection
  • Finding aid created by Donovan Giesbrecht, 15 June 2006.
  • Some restrictions apply.

Series Descriptions

I.  Board records.
8 cm of textual records.

  • This series consists of material generated by, for, or about the MBCI board. It includes copies of the school’s earliest minutes, correspondence, reports, and building plans (1947–1953, 1970). It includes two groups of evaluative materials: an enrolment survey from 1966, and a general evaluative survey from 1977–1979; some of these materials are restricted; see archivist. The series also includes board minutes, reports, and correspondence collected by Manitoba MB Conference Secretary Jane Woelk, from 2003–2005.
  • Location: Volume 246:16, 247:1–4; 248:1–2.

II. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, and reports.
8 cm of textual records.

  • This series consists of materials generated at or for staff meetings. This includes minutes, inter-staff and parent–school correspondence, department meeting papers, policies, etc. See volume 247:6, 9–16, and volume 246:9–11.
  • Location: Volume 246:9–11; 247:6, 9–16.

III. Home and School Committee minutes.
3 cm of textual records.

  • This series consists of a book of minutes describing the meetings of the Home and School Committee. The committee was made up of parents elected to serve as a liaison between parents and teachers.
  • Location: Volume 247:17.

IV. Attendance registers.
20 cm of textual records.

  • This series contains the official attendance records required by the Government of Manitoba. The records were probably kept by classroom teachers.
  • Location: Volume 247:18–30.

V. Daily Announcements.
15 cm of textual records.

  • This series consists of the school’s daily announcements.
  • Location: Volume 246:1–8.

VI. Publications.
60 cm of textual records.

  • This series contains materials published by or about MBCI. It includes student yearbooks (1953–1994), catalogues (1951–1988), handbooks (1989–1994), telephone directories, brochures, special event programs, and news articles (1966–1994). See titles such as The Bugle (1959–1973), Newsletter (1965– ), The Bulletin (1995– ), etc.; located in the CMBS Periodicals and Newspapers Collection under “Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute.”
  • Location: 246:13–15, 247:8, 248:4–9, 249.

VII. Photographs.
42 photographs.

  • This series contains photographs depicting MBCI’s student life, faculty, special events, renovation projects, and buildings.
  • Location: CMBS Photograph Collection; see especially NP44, NP109, and NP149.

File List

Volume 246
1. Daily Announcements. -- 1982–1983.
2. Daily Announcements. -- 1987–1988.
3. Daily Announcements. -- 1988–1989.
4. Daily Announcements. -- 1989–1990.
5. Daily Announcements. -- 1990–1991.
6. Daily Announcements. -- 1991–1992.
7. Daily Announcements. -- 1992–1993.
8. Daily Announcements. -- 1993–1994.
9. Professional development: Cooperative learning. -- 1993.
10. Department Meeting documents (Bible, Music). -- 1989–1993.
11. Correspondence, with parents and inter-staff. -- 1982–1984, 1992.
12. Policies, regulations, chapels. -- [198-?].
13. News stories. -- 1991–1992.
14. Student handbooks. -- 1989–1994.
15. Teacher evaluation guides, reports, extracurricular documents, etc. -- [ca. 1984].
16. Board minutes, reports, and agendas collected by Manitoba MB Conference secretary Jane Woelk; electronic copy included (Word and Outlook Express documents, CD format, 2.57 MB; most documents printed and included in file; restricted). -- 2003–2005.

Volume 247
1. Minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records (German, not originals). -- 1947–1954.
2. Minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, building quotes, catalogues (German). -- 1950–1953.
3. Manitoba MB Conference School Enrolment Survey responses. -- 1966.
4. Building proposal and drawings. -- 1970.
5. Brochures. -- 1972.
6. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, program of studies booklet. -- 1977–1979.
7. Correspondence, Pete Peters to MBCI (1 letter). -- 1981.
8. Sun Local newspaper articles. -- 1982.
9. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence. -- 1982–1986.
10. Staff meeting, parent meeting, and Welfare Committee minutes, correspondence. -- 1986–1988.
11. Grand opening bulletin. -- 1988.
12. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, and reports. -- 1988–1989.
13. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, and reports. -- 1989–1990.
14. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, and reports. -- 1990–1991.
15. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, teacher handbook, music curriculum proposal, H.H. Regehr paper “Ethik:Das Christliche Leben” (1947–1948), Manitoba Conference Yearbook photocopies (1945). -- 1991–1992.
16. Staff meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, teacher handbook. -- 1992–1993.
17. Home and School Committee minutes (original notebook). -- 1961–1967.
18. Attendance register. -- 1946–1947.
19. Attendance registers. -- 1949–1950.
20. Attendance registers. -- 1950–1951.
21. Attendance registers. -- 1957–1958.
22. Attendance registers. -- 1958–1959.
23. Attendance registers. -- 1959–1960.
24. Attendance registers. -- 1960–1961.
25. Attendance registers. -- 1965–1967.
26. Attendance registers. -- 1967–1968.
27. Attendance registers. -- 1968–1969.
28. Attendance registers. -- 1969–1970.
29. Attendance registers. -- 1970–1971.
30. Attendance registers. -- 1971–1972.

Volume 248

1. MBCI Evaluation Survey results and analysis; Accession record with specific restrictions included (restricted). -- 1977–1979.
2. MBCI Evaluation Survey printouts (restricted). -- 1977–1979.
3. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, Mennonite Mirror, MB Herald issues, a transcribed telephone conversation, and official statements concerning staff issues (restricted). -- 1981–1982.
4. Catalogues (with gaps). -- 1951–1988.
5. Student telephone directories. -- 1985–1994.
6. Pamphlets, brochures, programs, posters. -- 1966–1994.
7. 50th anniversary correspondence, program, donations letter, etc. -- 1994–1995.
8. Winnipeg Free Press articles and recruitment advertisements. -- 1975, 1977, 1995.
9. Yearbooks (2 copies of each; 1 copy only for 1953, 1954, 1963, 1964, 1968). -- 1948–1968.

Volume 249
1. Yearbooks (1 copy of each, 2 copies of 1970, 1972, and 1979; missing 1973, 1975, 1976, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1988); room in this volume for additional yearbooks. -- 1969–1994.

Photograph File List:

NP044-03 Mennonite Brethren Herald photograph collection

28. MBCI Senior Choir.
This item shows the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute Senior Choir, Grades 10 and 11, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The choir was under the direction of John Thiessen.
1 print: b & w; 25 x 20 cm. [1960?]

33. MBCI senior boy’s basketball team.
This item shows a senior boy’s basketball team with coach, John M. Thiessen, at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1 print: b & w; 25 x 20 cm. [1960?]

34. MBCI orchestra.
This item shows the orchestra with Abe Friesen, conductor, at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1 print: b & w; 25 x 20 cm. [1960?]

35. MBCI senior girl’s choir.
This item shows the senior girl’s choir, with conductor John Thiessen, at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1 print: b & w; 25 x 20 cm. Christmas 1960

36. MBCI junior girl’s choir.
This item shows the junior girl’s choir, with Henry Konrad conductor, at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
1 print: b & w; 25 x 20 cm. [1960?]

NP109-04 Mennonitische Rundschau collection

41. Kerstin Roger, MBCI student, speaking at the German Language Contest sponsored by the Manitoba Parents for German Education.
9 x 12 cm. 1984?

49. Edith Schmidt, MBCI teacher, speaking at the final program of the German Language Contest sponsored by the Manitoba Parents for German Education.
9 x 12 cm. 1984?

NP149-01 Mennonite Brethren Herald photograph collection

4885. Aerial view of MBBC campus.
This is a photo of an aerial view of MBBC, MBCI and the Elmwood district of Winnipeg. The Red River is at the bottom left corner. Numbers 1–7 represent the College buildings. Number 8 is unknown. Number 9 is MBCI. Number 10 is the Elmwood MB Church. Number 11 is Christian Press. Number 12 is Henderson Highway.
19.5 x 20 cm [b&w]. ca. 1960

4905. Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute.
This is a photo of MBCI.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 197-

4906. Graduating class of MBCI.
This is a photo of a graduating class at MBCI. Shown are the 1965–66 graduates of the MBCI, private high school of the Manitoba Mennonite Brethren conference. As special graduation exercises in the Elmwood Church on October 8, the 23 were given their diplomas for successful completion of the grade 12 matriculation course. In the first row, left to right, are Bonnie Guenther, Marianne Ewert, Eleanor Suderman, Elvira Klassen, Ruth Suderman, Mildred Harder, Viola Redekopp and Ruth Isaak; second row, Ed Redekopp, Ed Wall, Peter Martens, Gerd Rozieweski, Frank Toews, Albert Fenske, Mary Dueck, Gerhard Reimer, Elvira Koop, Victor Isaak, Hildegard Froese, Robert Sukkau, Sylvia Willms, Stan Penner and David Toews.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 1966

4907. Graduating class of MBCI.
This is a photo of a graduating class at MBCI. Ken Epp is pictured 8th from the left in the back row.
20 x 13 cm [b&w]. 1973

4908. Dave Cross, Peter Peters.
This is a photo of a chapel assembly at MBCI. Guest speaker is Dave Cross. Standing beside him is Principal Peter H. Peters.
17 x 12 cm [b&w]. 1979

4909. MBCI dedication banquet.
This is a photo of an MBCI dedication banquet marking the opening of its new addition. Pictured are (l–r) Neil Fast, Mrs. Fast, John A. Toews, Peter H. Peters, Gertrude Peters and George Janzen.
17.5 x 12 cm [b&w]. 1973

4910. MBCI survey on Sunday openings presented to Premier Ed Schreyer.
This is a photo of the Premier of Manitoba, Ed Schreyer, surrounded by grade 12 students of the MBCI, together with teacher Ken Reddig. The students told the Premier that a survey they made showed a strong majority of Winnipeggers favoured Sunday closing of supermarkets and large department stores (MBH, March 4, 1977, p. 13). Seated in the far back behind Reddig is Dan Block.
15 x 7 cm. 1977

4911. MBCI graduating class.
This is a photo of a graduating class at MBCI.
14 x 10 cm [b&w]. 1958

4912. Ken Opalko.
This is a photo of Ken Opalko, sports director at MBCI, with a student. The caption reads: “Good relationships between student and faculty at MBCI.”
12.5 x 17.5 cm [b&w]. 1985

4913. MBCI German exchange students.
This is a photo of a group of German exchange students from MBCI.
10 x 15 cm [col.]. 1992

4914. MBCI band.
This is a photo of the MBCI band under the direction of Ken Epp.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 1985

4915. MBCI student–staff basketball game.
This is a photo of an annual student–staff basketball game. Ken Opalko is number 52 (centre). Fred Pauls is on the far left.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 1985

4916. MBCI student–staff football game.
This is a photo of a student–staff football game at MBCI.
12.5 x 17.5 cm [b&w]. 1985

4917. Karen Bartel, Adrienne Froese, Brad Pinto.
This is a photo of grade 12 students at MBCI: (l–r) Karen Bartel (lying down) and Adrienne Froese. Brad Pinto is seated at the back.
9 x 13 cm [b&w]. 1982

4918. Rick Peters, Val Gaddows.
This is a photo of grade 12 students during a Faith and Life Emphasis event. Pictured are l–r Mark Penner, Rick Peters (centre), Rodney Dieleman, Randy Klassen, Bruce Howison (far back), and the server is Val Gaddows.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1982

4919. MBCI faith and life emphasis.
This is a photo of grade 12 students during a faith and life emphasis event in which they learned about world population and food distribution.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1982

4920. MBCI building.
This is a photo of a new facility at MBCI.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 1973

4921. Peter H. Peters.
This is a photo of MBCI principal Peter H. Peters taken during a world emphasis event.
17.5 x 12.5 cm [b&w]. 1976

4923. Jubilee Place.
This is a photo of Jubilee Place being constructed at MBCI.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1986

4924. MBCI.
This is a photo of the front entrance of MBCI on Talbot Street.
9 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1960

4925. Jubilee Place.
This is a photo of the construction site of Jubilee Place at MBCI.
9 x 13 cm [b&w]. 1986

4926. Jubilee Place.
This is a photo of the newly-constructed Jubilee Place at MBCI.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1987

4927. MBCI.
This is a photo of MBCI and the gym facing Talbot Avenue.
9 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1960

4928. MBCI.
This is a photo of the rear view of MBCI.
9 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1960

4929. MBCI.
This is a photo of MBCI taken from Riverton Avenue.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1988

4930. Ken Reddig, Randy Peters, Ed Schreyer, Trudy Schroeder, Dorothy Penner.
This is a photo of Trudy Schroeder, a Grade XII student at the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate, 173 Talbot Avenue, presenting [Manitoba] Premier Ed Schreyer with a copy of a study made to determine the attitude of Winnipeg citizens towards Sunday openings of stores. Dorothy Penner, on her left and Randy Peters, on the Premier’s right, were also on hand to represent the 60 students who prepared and conducted the survey. On the far left is Ken Reddig, the class teacher. The class conducted 1,748 interviews in a random sampling across the city, and found that 80–87 percent of the opinion was against store opening on Sunday, while about 80 percent of those interviewed felt pharmacies, small “corner” stores and some service stations should remain open on Sunday. Close to 75 percent of the opinions indicated a belief that legislation against Sunday opening was necessary.
17.5. 1977

4931. Sig Schroeder, Valerie Hammil.
This is a photo of Valerie Hamill, a Grade 12 student at MBCI, receiving the top award for selling 756 chocolate bars. Making the award is Mr. Sig Schroeder, acting vice-principal. See MBH, November 3, 1972.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. 1972

7521. Ed Schreyer speaking.
This photo is of Ed Schreyer speaking at MBCI’s Native Concerns Week.
12 x 17 cm [b&w]. Oct 1977

7936. Elfrieda Toews receives an award.
This photo is of Elfrieda Toews receiving an award from John Epp in front of MBCI.
11.5 x 8 cm [b&w]. 1956

NP149-05 Mennonite Brethren Herald photograph collection

78. MBCI Concert Choir performs.
This photo is of the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute Concert Choir performing at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. Feb 1995

80. John Thiessen reminiscing.
This photo is of former Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute principal John Thiessen reminiscing on stage at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. Feb 1995

82. The MBCI band performs.
This photo is of the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute band performing at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. Feb 1995

94. Chad Schmitke gives his testimony.
This photo is of MBCI student Chad Schmitke giving his testimony at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. Feb 1995

102. MBCI Ensemble.
This photo is of the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Ensemble performing at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
13 x 9 cm [b&w]. Feb 1994

130. MBCI choir performs.
This photo is of the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute choir performing at a Manitoba MB Conference convention.
15 x 10 cm [b&w].

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