North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church – North Battleford, SK
Proper Title
North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church fonds
Dates of Creation
Physical Description
94 cm of textual records, 40 photographs, and 2 super-eight films with one cassette tape
Administrative History
The North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church, located in northern Saskatchewan, was a member of the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches, Rosthern District. In 1960, Saskatchewan MB Missions placed Arno C. Fast in North Battleford as a church planter. The first meetings were in Oddfellow’s Hall and in various public schools. A church building was begun in 1963, when the church was recognized and subsidized by the Canadian MB Conference.
As a result of evangelistic services, Sunday school, clubs, and Vacation Bible School, the church grew and in 1973 became self-supporting. Henry Janzen, during his years at North Battleford, pastored both the Mennonite Brethren and the General Conference churches and cross-denominational fellowship groups were begun for a short time. Cliff Derksen, who followed Janzen, gave priority to youth work and children’s ministries. After 1982, with the coming of John Block, emphasis changed to adult caring groups, Bible studies, and a Neighbourhood Awareness Program, in which the pastor and members of the congregation surveyed blocks near the church to acquaint them with the church. By 1985, the church had grown from the original 13 to 44 members.
Pastors in the church were: Arno Fast (1960–1969), Henry Janzen (1969–1974), Cliff Derksen (1975–1980), and John I. Block (1981–1989). Waldo Berg was interim pastor while John Block was away on study leave in 1988. The church closed in 1989, when many families moved away and John Block resigned in order to attend the MB Biblical Seminary in Fresno.
Scope and Content
This fonds consists of the following series: Historical records, Sunday bulletins, local ministries programs, minutes and reports, financial records, related institutions and organizations, membership and adherent records.
Custodial History
The textual records came to the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies in 1996 from the Bethany Bible School in Saskatchewan, where they had been housed, probably since the church closed in 1989.
On 30 April 2004, Ralph Gliege, the provincial Conference minister for Saskatchewan, deposited files 138–163, along with a variety of other Saskatchewan records. The congregational records in this deposit, including those from North Battleford, came from churches that were assisted by the Conference in the process of closure.
- Volumes 619–622.
- Formerly classified under the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches inventory BF523.
- Accession number for files 138-163: 2004-014.
- Updated by Donovan Giesbrecht, 3 March 2005.
Series Descriptions
I. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church historical records.
1963, 1973–1988.
3 cm of textual records.
- This series consists of information about the history of the church, a church guest book donated by the General Conference and Mennonite Brethren young people, mortgage and surveyor’s papers, and correspondence with past church leaders regarding the 25th anniversary celebration. Included is a list of people who have been members at the church.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 1–4 and 163.
II. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church Sunday bulletins.
11 cm of textual records.
- This series consists of the weekly Sunday morning bulletins, filed in chronological order, beginning November 1975, with a gap between July 1980 to June 1981. Included with the bulletins are letters used for the Neighbourhood Awareness Program beginning in 1984.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 5–19.
III. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church local ministries programs.
8 cm of textual records, 5 photographs, and 2 super-eight films with one cassette tape.
- This series consists of long-range planning guides, lists of members for church directories, and materials for outreach programs. Included is also a film produced by Cliff and Wilma Derksen for the College and Career Group at North Battleford called “Hot Coals.”
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 20–34.
IV. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church minutes and reports.
34 cm of textual records.
- This series consists of annual minutes and reports of congregational meetings, minutes of Church Board meetings, Pastoral Planning Committee, Young People’s Committee, statistical reports, attendance records, and Missions Committee minutes.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 35–56 and 138–152.
V. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church financial records.
20 cm of textual records.
- This series consists of books of records of donations and disbursements. Also included is a file of annual financial reports, pastor’s mileage reports, and a file on John I. Block’s seminar finances.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 57–76, 153–158.
VI. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church related institutions and organizations.
19 cm of textual records, and 6 photographs.
- This series consists of minutes and reports of the Northern District Saskatchewan MB Conference, correspondence and minutes of the planning committee for the Battlefords Barry Moore Crusade in 1986, records pertaining to MB and local ministerial, information about Camps Oshkidee and Redberry, letterhead samples, and correspondence with conferences and missionaries. The photographs are of missionaries with whom the church was in contact and are located with their correspondence.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 77–91, 159–162.
VII. North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church membership and adherent records.
14 cm of textual records, and 29 photographs.
- This series consists of files for each church family, or adherent, containing correspondence, membership certificates, transfer records, and bulletins of special events for that family or individual. The photographs are of church members and are in their respective files.
- Finding aid: North Battleford Mennonite Brethren Church list 92–137a.
File List
Volumes 619–622
Series I: Historical records
1. Historical sketches of the church. -- 1973–1985.
2. Church guest book. -- 1973–1984.
3. Church report for the Historical Commission. -- 1974.
4. Correspondence and information regarding 25th anniversary celebration. -- 1988.
Series II: Bulletins
5. Sunday bulletins. -- 1975.
6. Sunday bulletins. -- 1976.
7. Sunday bulletins. -- 1977.
8. Sunday bulletins. -- 1978.
9. Sunday bulletins. -- 1979.
10. Sunday bulletins. -- January to June, 1980.
11. Sunday bulletins. -- July to December, 1981.
12. Sunday bulletins. -- 1982.
13. Sunday bulletins. -- 1983.
14. Sunday bulletins. -- 1984.
15. Sunday bulletins. -- 1985.
16. Sunday bulletins. -- 1986.
17. Sunday bulletins. -- 1987.
18. Sunday bulletins. -- 1988.
19. Copyright and bulletin correspondence. -- 1985–1988.
Series III: Local ministries programs
20. Church lists. -- 1961–1969, undated.
21. Church planning calendars. -- 1982–1988.
22. Five-year plans. -- 1988, undated.
23. Review of care group ministries. -- 1983.
24. Lists of members. -- 1981–1988.
Church directory. -- 198-.
Two unidentified photographs. -- Undated.
25. Correspondence, registrations, and teaching materials for Christian Day Camp. -- 1982.
26. Registrations and schedules for Christian Day Camp. -- 1983.
Two unidentified photographs. -- 1983.
27. Schedules, bulletin announcements, roll call, and follow-up for Christian Day Camp. -- 1984.
28. Schedules, registrations, and correspondence regarding Junior Youth. -- 1983–1987.
29. Registrations and correspondence regarding children’s programs. -- 1988.
30. Two super-eight films with one cassette tape of a play entitled: “Hot Coals.” -- 1976–1977.
31. Letters and block data used for the Neighbourhood Awareness Program. -- 1984–1986.
32. Minutes of Extension Committee. -- 1984–1987.
33. Vision statements used for church publicity. -- 1980–1984, undated.
Newsletter “Open Windows.”-- 1981–1983.
34. Minutes of planning meetings for the Battleford’s Crusade for Christ with Barry Moore. -- 1962.
Series IV: Minutes and reports
35. Letter granting acceptance into the North Saskatchewan MB Conference. -- 1963.
36. Short history, Sunday school report, and pastor’s report. -- 1964.
37. Annual reports of Ladies’ Aid, Building Committee, and Sunday school. -- 1965.
Pastor’s report. -- 1966.
Pastor’s report. -- 1967.
Annual reports of Ladies’ Aid, pastor. -- 1968.
38. Annual reports. -- 1970.
Job descriptions for various church offices.
39. Annual reports. -- 1971.
Building permit. -- 1971.
40. Annual reports. -- 1972.
41. Annual reports.-- 1973, 1974.
42. Annual reports. -- 1975, 1976.
Bible club attendance. -- 1976.
Vision statement. -- 1976.
43. Annual reports. -- 1977.
44. Annual reports. -- 1978, 1979, 1980.
45. Annual reports. -- 1981, 1982.
46. Annual reports. -- 1983, 1984.
47. Annual reports. -- 1985, 1986.
48. Annual reports. -- 1987, 1988.
Internship progress reports. -- 1988.
John Block’s resignation letter. -- November, 1988.
49. Minutes of church board. -- 1970–1978.
50. Minutes of church board.-- 1981–1986.
51. Minutes of church board 1987–1989, annual meeting reports and minutes 1988. -- 1987–1989.
52. Minutes of Pastoral Planning Committee. -- 1981–1988.
53. Minutes and reports of Young People’s Committee. -- 1973–1987.
Club reports. -- 1977–1978.
Teen-Club plans. -- 1986–1987.
54. Statistical reports for the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church. -- 1964–1987.
55. Attendance records.-- 1963–1985.
56. Missions Committee minutes. -- 1984, 1987.
Series V: Financial Records
57. Record of Sunday school expenses and donations. -- 1960–1963.
58. Financial records. -- 1963–1964.
59. Financial records. -- 1964.
60. Financial records. -- 1965.
61. Financial records of the Battlefords’ Crusade for Christ. -- 1962, 1967.
62. Financial records. -- 1968.
63. Financial records. -- 1968–1972.
64. Financial records. -- 1972–1974.
65. Financial records. -- 1975–1977.
66. Record of donations. -- 1976.
67. Record of donations. -- 1977.
68. Record of donations. -- 1978.
69. Record of donations. -- 1979.
70. Record of donations. -- 1980.
71. Record of donations. -- 1981.
72. Financial records. -- 1978–1981.
73. Record of donations and disbursements. -- 1983.
74. Record of donations and disbursements. -- 1984.
75. Record of land transfer regarding the church manse. -- 1981.
76. Annual financial reports. -- 1964–1988.
Series VI: Related institutions and organizations
77. Mennonite Disaster Service manual. -- 1979.
78. Reports and minutes of Northern District Saskatchewan Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. -- 1981–1987.
Constitution of MB Canadian Conference. -- 1983.
79. Correspondence with Mennonite Brethren Herald regarding membership update. -- 1983–1989.
80. Correspondence with MB Missions and Services. -- 1986–1989.
Papers by Hans Kasdorf, Jacob A. Loewen, Paul Hiebert, and Victor Adrian with responses given at a missions consultation.-- 1988.
81. List of churches participating in the Barry Moore Crusade. -- 1987.
Correspondence re Barry Moore Crusade. -- 1981, 1984–1987.
Minutes and reports of crusade organizational meetings. -- 1986–1987.
Follow-up correspondence. -- 1987.
82. Minutes of the MB Ministerial. -- 1981–1982.
Minutes, reports, and constitution of the Battlefords Ministerial Association. -- 1984, 1988–1989.
83. Program and publicity re Camp Oshkidee. -- 1986.
84. Correspondence regarding Redberry Bible Camp. -- 1984–1987.
Agenda, minutes, and reports of Redberry Bible Camp. -- 1986–1989.
85. Correspondence with Northern Canadian Evangelical Mission. -- 1981.
Correspondence with Sutera Twins Crusade Team. -- 1985.
Correspondence with Youth for Christ. -- 1981.
Correspondence with Youth With a Mission. -- 1986–1987.
86. Minute messages for CJNB. -- 1983–1988.
87. Correspondence with conferences, churches, and institutions. -- 1972–1989.
88. Correspondence with the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. -- 1981–1988.
89. Correspondence with the Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches. -- 1980–1988.
90. Correspondence with the Mennonite Brethren Bible College. -- 1985–1988.
91. Correspondence with missionaries, including 6 photographs. -- 1981–1987.
Series VII: Members and adherents
92. Correspondence regarding hospital visitation. -- 1983–1985.
93. Correspondence with church visitors. -- 1985–1987.
Letters of referral. -- 1981, 1982.
Letter to non-resident members.
94. Certificate of registration to authorize a minister to solemnize marriage and other legal documents for marriage. -- 1981.
Wedding programs and bulletins. -- 198-.
Marriage counselling notes. -- Undated.
95. Membership certificates for Rev. and Mrs. P.V. Balzer. -- 1968.
Membership certificate for Margaret Willems (Mrs. P.V. Balzer). -- 1964.
Letter of transfer for Henry, Anne, and Lorilee Bargen. -- 1985.
Wedding bulletin and invitation of Joylene Bargen and David Trevino. -- 1984.
Certificate of membership for Tina Bargen. -- 1967.
96. Family register for Emma Beierle. -- 1977.
Correspondence. -- 1978.
97. Membership transfer of Waldo and Jenny Berg. -- 1982.
Correspondence. -- 1985–1988.
98. Membership transfers for John and Gloria Block. -- 1981.
Membership transfer for Gerald Block. -- 1982.
Correspondence re membership transfer of Elden Block. -- 1986.
Bulletin and program for baptism of Dwight Block. -- 1985.
99. Membership register and certificate of membership for Gordon and Jane Borycki. -- 1988.
100. Membership profile and correspondence with Faith Brown. -- 1982–1984.
101. Family register for Alvin and Dora Buhler.
Anniversary bulletin.
Funeral information for Alvin Buhler. -- 1982.
Bulletin announcing Rena Christianson’s membership transfer. -- 1988.
102. Membership certificate for Cliff and Wilma Derksen.-- 1976.
Correspondence. -- 1981–1988.
103. Funeral documents for Helen Dyck. -- 1987.
104. Correspondence and bulletins re Priscilla (Friesen) Epp. -- 1985–1988.
105. Membership certificate for Arno and Lena Fast. -- 1963.
Membership certificate and family registers for Henry and Mary Fehr. -- 1972.
Correspondence with Henry and Mary Fehr. -- 1976.
106. Membership certificates for Peter and Mary Foth. -- 1967, 1977.
Correspondence. -- 1984–1989.
107. Membership certificate and family register for Clifford and Lydia Friesen. -- 1974.
Correspondence. -- 1979.
Letter of transfer for Sharon Friesen. -- 1988.
108. Certificate of transfer for John and Dorothy Gerbrandt. -- 1985.
Correspondence and bulletins. -- 1985–1988.
109. Membership certificate and family register for Helen Giesbrecht. -- 1967.
Wedding invitation. -- 1977.
110. Funeral records of Elizabeth Goertzen. -- 1987.
111. Letter of transfer for Reuben and Lillian Graber. -- 1986.
Application for church membership for Ben Guenther. -- 1977.
Correspondence with Ben Guenther. -- 1984.
112. Membership certificate for Howard and Caroline Harder. -- 1964.
Membership certificate and family register for Anna Harms. -- 1970.
Obituary of Anna Harms. -- 1975.
Membership certificate and family register for Myrtle Harms. -- 1970.
Correspondence with Myrtle Harms. -- 1988.
113. Membership certificates for Cliff and Karen Isaak. -- 1978.
Correspondence. -- 1981.
114. Membership certificate and family register for Harvey and Doris Jantzen. -- 1964.
14 photographs.
Bulletins and correspondence about Jantzen special events. -- 1983–1989.
115. Membership certificate and family register for Miriam Jantzen. -- 1970.
Membership certificate and family register for Henry and Clara Janzen. -- 1969.
Correspondence with Henry Janzen. -- 1987.
116. Testimony of Cory Janzen (son to Jake and Rose Janzen). -- 1987.
Correspondence re Cory Janzen. -- 1989.
117. Membership certificates for Peter and Tena Kessler. -- 1963, 1964.
Membership certificate and family register for Abram J. and Gladys Klassen. -- 1972.
Testimony of Timothy Klassen. -- 1977.
Correspondence with Carol and Darlene Klassen (daughters of Abram J.). -- 1978–1983.
118. Correspondence with Sheila Martin. -- 1981.
Membership certificate and family register for Margaretha Loewen. -- 1964.
Funeral service for Margaretha Loewen. -- 1980.
119. Testimony of Donald Mcdonald. -- 1977.
Correspondence and bulletins of special events. -- 1982–1988.
120. Child dedication service for Matthew, son of Doug and Audrey Marchewka. -- Undated.
Testimony of Brenda Mitzel. -- 1989.
121. Child dedication service for KImberly, daughter of Bob and Randi Nickel. -- Undated.
Correspondence. -- 1985–1986.
One photograph.
122. Membership certificate for Henry and Agnes Peters. -- 1966.
Letter from Leo and Elaine Pauls. -- 1988.
123. Correspondence with Dennis and Trudy Ramsay, Denise, Marlow, Colleen, and Vance. -- 1985–1986.
124. Testimony of Brian Reimer. -- 1976.
Engagement announcement of Brian Reimer and Rena Christianson. -- 1989.
Correspondence with Marlow and Vicky Ramsay. -- 1982–1989.
125. Membership certificate for Alfred and Viola Schmidt. -- 1974.
Correspondence. -- 1974–1984.
126. Funeral records for Jacob Henry Schroeder. -- 1985.
Membership certificate and family register for Peter and Anna Siemens. -- 1966.
Correspondence. -- 1985–1988.
Funeral records for Annie Siemens. -- 1989.
127. Membership certificate and family register for Rudolf and Doris Siemens. -- 1967.
Membership for Ruth Plett Skafte (married to Thor). -- 1964.
128. Family information about Mary Slabaida. -- after 1986.
Membership profile of Constance Jeanette Brown Sloan. -- Undated.
Family information about Ted and Evelyn Sloan. -- 1986.
Obituary of Ted Sloan. -- 1987.
129. Membership certificate for Anna Wall. -- 1982.
Two photographs.
Correspondence. -- 1983–1989.
130. Membership certificate for Mary Siemens (later married Bill Wicks). -- 1966.
Family register and release for Marianne Wilgers. -- 1970.
131. Membership certificates and family register for Frank and Anne Bargen Willems. -- 1963, 1964.
Correspondence with son Dale.
Obituary of daughter Cheryl. -- 1979.
Baptism service for son Glen. -- 1989.
132. Membership certificates for Gerald and Kathleen Willems. -- 1982.
9 photographs.
Correspondence. -- 1983–1989.
Newsletter from Reg and Ivy Willems. -- 1986.
133. Membership certificate and family register for (Miss) Mary Willems. -- 1970.
Transfer and correspondence. -- 1987.
Membership certificate and family register for (Mrs.) Mary Willems (mother to (Miss) Mary Willems). -- 1970.
Obituary for (Mrs.) Mary Willems. -- 1988.
134. Membership transfer and family register for Maurine Willems. -- 1967, 1978.
Membership certificate for Amy Williams. -- 1984.
135. Poems and letters by Maria Zanini. -- 1980–1984.
136. Membership certificate and family register for George and Irene Zimmerman. -- 1970.
Testimony of Deanna Zimmerman. -- Undated.
Wedding bulletin for Gail Zimmerman and Murray Desjarlais. -- Undated.
Correspondence. -- 1979, 1981.
Obituary of George Zimmerman. -- Undated.
One photograph.
137. Membership certificate and family register for Heinrich and Tina Zimmerman. -- 1972.
One photograph.
Obituary for Tina Zimmerman. -- 1986.
137a. Membership Record Book (1963-1985) for North Battleford MB Church. -- 1989.
Additional files related to Series I, IV, V, and VI
- Minutes of church board and annual reports (bound). --1960–1978.
- Minutes of church board.-- 1975.
- Minutes of church board. -- 1978.
- Annual meeting minutes. -- 1979.
- Minutes of church board and annual reports. -- 1980.
- Minutes of church board and correspondence. -- 1980–1981.
- Annual reports. -- 1982–1983.
- Minutes of church board and correspondence. -- 1983.
- Minutes of church board and correspondence. -- 1984.
- Annual meeting minutes and reports. -- 1984–1985.
- Minutes and annual reports. -- 1985–1986.
- Minutes and reports, including annual meeting. -- 1986.
- Minutes and reports. -- 1987.
- Minutes, reports, and correspondence.-- 1988.
- Minutes, reports, and correspondence. -- 1989.
- Record of donations. -- 1985–1989.
- Record of donations. -- 1988–1989.
- Financial ledger (monthly). -- 1988.
- Financial reports. -- 1988–1989.
- Pastor’s mileage reports. -- 1988–1989.
- John I. Block seminary finances. -- 1987.
- Correspondence, financial.-- 1988–1990.
- Correspondence with Canadian Conference. -- 1983, 1985.
- Correspondence with MAF. -- 1983, 1988–1989.
- Letterhead. -- [198-?].
- Mortgage and surveyor’s papers. -- 1963.